“We can't progress without facts and accepting the truth for it is not a big bang that made us who we are today but history thus we need to know the truthful history.” – Han Hui Hui

#‎ReturnOurCPF‬ event on 7 June 2014 was the first event that had a stage.

It looks simple but getting it wasn't easy. When rumours online spread that it was people around who helped. The truth is the people who gave me the contact to arrange for the stage has never spoke on the stage.

It wasn't easy to decide on which sat to hold the event as speakers were flying around. Ever since 27 Sep 2014, I wasn't allowed to speak in public, in Singapore. So I went overseas to speak instead.
To the PAP Internet Brigade: Civil/Public servants took leave to go too, ask MOM.

It makes me admire overseas people who organized the events. Especially female organizers and those who are less than ten years older than me, some of them are mothers. It does make me feel awed and reminds how I’ve always wanted to be a mom at 23.

To gather the people together with their tight schedule is hard. To get the stage, sound, water, tables, writing and protest materials is harder. Cause no one wanted to do the backend work, everyone just wanted to speak on the stage.

The role of being a daughter, a granddaughter, a great granddaughter and also building a family of one’s own. I've to prepare facts and documents to keep myself, my blog, my facebook and other websites legally safe. Of course, if this journey is easy, many would have done it and it would have been done long ago.

Through all these trips, I saw many things and went through many things. I saw bilateral relationship, regional membership, and global influence. We can't progress without facts and accepting the truth for it is not a big bang that made us who we are today but history thus we need to know the truthful history.


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